Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Patricia Alaspa (Boggie)
Denise Anderson (Apperson)
Richard Anderson
Joyce Aro
Penny Askerman (Hanson)
Sharon Bates (Korstad)
Barbara Batten (Kalal)
Bruce Bergen
Noreen Berlien
Diane Birkmaier (May)
Lorna Bjorkman
Kathleen Bombeck (Bentley)
David Boult
Dan Brackett
Michael Brand
Gerald Brouwer
Phyliss Caswall (Banker)
Patricia Chanen
Nancy Christopherson (Johnson)
Robert Cloutier
Patrick Cook
Warren Croxford
Karen Davidson
Victor Des Marais
Richard Doetkott
Kathleen Dolton (Olson)
Lauri Douglass (Lindbergh)
Linda Dunsworth (Venghaus)
Edith Ecklund (Gibbs)
Suzann Erion
Judith Falon (Terp)
Patrick Farley
Brian Field
Donald Fishman
Lynn Fodness
Linda Fruen (Stangel)
Bruce Gelman
Susan Goldstein (Bressler)
Tony Goodman
Alan Gotkin
Elizabeth Graeber (Borchert)
William Grehl
David Grothe
Gary Haggberg
Jackie Halvorsen
Jeannette Hansen (Hammmarmeister)
Terry Hawkins (Porret)
Mary Herman (Weid)
John Hickey
Ted Hoigaard
Jerome Holmgren
Bruce Horning
Richard Hreha
Carol Jensen (Meloni)
Leroy Jensen
Carol Johnson (Doten)
Christopher Johnson
David Johnson
Roxane Joseph (Leopold)
Francyne Kaplan (Moberg)
Jane Keeley
Barbara Keswin (Rosenbaum)
Robert Kieffer
Virginia King (Hanlon)
Daniel Klayman
Marlene Krasner
Ruth Krieger (Alcorn)
Nancy Kuehn (Schaefer)
David Kushner
Patricia LaNore (Rozman)
Bette LaSere (Erickson)
Steve Lidbom
Steven Lindberg
Jane Lindskoog (Rush)
Susan Loeffler (Schwartz)
Michael Lonergan
Robert Marfell
Dale Mark
Paula McAtee (Smieja)
Thomas McIntosh
Robert Meyer, Jr.
Janice Michaelis (Jones)
Gordon Moo
Michael Mooney
Roy Moore
Kent Morton
Janice Nelson (Moo)
Joan Nelson (Blackburn)
Sally Newton (Compton)
Joan Nightengale (Kessler)
Judith Nightengale (Mertz)
Shirley Nordlin (Peil)
Keith Nyman
Rodney Oas
Shanna O'Connor (Weegman)
Janet Olson
Linda O'Neill
Gerald Oppegard
Paul Pearson
Carol Peterson
Frani Peterson (Anderson)
Lynne Peterson (Latta)
Ronald Pilegaard
Sandra Powers (Moore)
Theodore Preston
Lynn Quackenbush
Dianne Raymond (Edstrom)
Roger Redpath
John Reitz
Peter Rekdahl
Joyce Riedemann (Kirchner)
Roxanne Roberts (Legg)
Camille Rogers (Pshar)
David Rohde
Jay Rowe
Judith Ruff (Berres)
John Sampson
David Sandgren
Daniel Schermer
Sharla Schmidt (Aaseng)
James Schneider
Russell Schroeder
Lynn Sjodin
Roland Smith
Michael Solomon
Carol Sonderup (Skogen)
Sandra Stephens (Paulsen)
Penny Stone (Cook)
Birgitta Svensson (Jensen)
Dianne Tanke (Gens)
Judy Thies (Swanson)
Joel Thom
Fred Tolfin
Darlene Tollefsbol (Kidwell)
Barbara Van Abel
Marsha Van Poll (Pilegaard)
Doreen Vetsch
Erik Waldeland
Jeffrey Watermolen
Scott Wetterland
Joan Whalton (Pihlaja)
Georgeanna White (Smoot)
Donna Winer
Nancy Wolff (Chaney)
James Wondra
Terence "Terry" Wong
John Wright
Judith Wyman (Bergstrom)
Bode Zietz
John Zimmerman